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The Berger Community Service Award recognizes a University faculty member for distinguished community service to groups, agencies, and institutions external to the вÊÍø. The award was established in 1996 by Charles L. and Leslie Berger in honor of his parents, Sydney & Sadelle Berger.

2023 Trent Engbers Political Science and Public Administration
2020 Bryan Bourdeau Business
2019 Srishti Srivastava Computer Science
2018 Julie St. Clair Nursing
2017 Melinda Roberts Criminal Justice
2016 Robert Millard-Mendez Art
2015 Renee E. Fenwick Frimming Kinesiology and Sport
2014 Jeff A. Thomas Teacher Education
2013 Phyllis A. Maddox Dental Hygiene
2012 Daniela Vidal Advanced Manufacturing
2011 Leigh Anne Howard Communications
2010 Paul T. Parkison Education
2009 Iris Phillips Social Work
2008 Margaret Felton Psychology
2007 Susan G. Ahmad Occupational Therapy Assistant Program
2006 No nominee.
2005 Kathleen M. Elpers Social Work
2004 Michael L. Slavkin Education
2003 Marjorie Jones Anthropology
2002 Abbas Foroughi Computer Information Systems
2001 Jeff W. Seyler Chemistry
2000 Munir Quddus Economics
1999 Marwan A. Wafa Decision Sciences
1998 Marie Hankins Chemistry
1997 Charles J. Bertram Mathematics