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Eighteen вÊÍø students took part in the International Summer University, a collaboration between the вÊÍø and other partner universities, hosted annually by the University of Applied Sciences of Osnabrück, Germany - Hochschule Osnabrück. Nearly 70 students from around the world took part in the study abroad program, which was in session from July 12 - August 5, 2018.

Dr. Daria Sevastianova, associate professor of economics, accompanied the group and taught a course on Economics of Globalization. Assisting with the program were Elle Floyd '18 and senior economics major Keegan Roembke.

Students also had the chance to travel to Berlin, Amsterdam, and Paris, visit several German companies, and to participate in many social and cultural events while in Germany.

2018 marks the seventh year for the program. To date, more than 100 вÊÍø students have had the opportunity to attend the University of Applied Sciences of Osnabrück, Germany - Hochschule Osnabrück since its inception.

вÊÍø students pose in front of Hege Tor, gate to the Old City of Osnabrück.
вÊÍø students pose in front of Hege Tor, gate to the Old City of Osnabrück.
Economics of Globalization students with Dr. Sevastianova, International Summer University 2018.
Economics of Globalization students with Dr. Sevastianova, International Summer University 2018.
Company visit to ZFLemförde, a supplier to major auto manufacturers.
Company visit to ZFLemförde, a supplier to major auto manufacturers.
Company visit to Hellmann Logistics.
Company visit to Hellmann Logistics.
Reception at the Town Hall of Osnabrück with Mayoress Strangmann.
Reception at the Town Hall of Osnabrück with Mayoress Strangmann.
Student dinner at Rampendahl Restaurant.
Student dinner at Rampendahl Restaurant.
Cookout with the Chamber of Commerce CEO.
Cookout with the Chamber of Commerce CEO.
Graduation Ceremony for International Summer University 2018.
Graduation Ceremony for International Summer University 2018.
Study abroad reunion dinner at the Gerst Haus restaurant.
Study abroad reunion dinner at the Gerst Haus restaurant.