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  • Women in Economics Symposium - Register Online
  • Faculty publication: Dr. Srishti Srivastava, assistant professor of computer science,authored a chapter published in one of the first standard textbooks on topics in parallel and distributed computing for undergraduates. Her chapter titled, “Scheduling in Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems,” is published in *Topics in Parallel and Distributed Computing: Enhancing the Undergraduate Curriculum: Performance, Concurrency, and Programming on Modern Platforms*. This is the first initiative taken by National Science Foundation (NSF) and IEEE technical committee on parallel processing (TCPP) toward standardizing text for undergraduate computer science curriculum on topics in parallel and distributed computing.
  • Dr. Sima Fortsch, assistant professor of management,received a $45,000 grant from the Virginia Commonwealth Transfusion Foundation to fund a scientific study of “time–and–motion” to assess the sustainability of the blood value chain by targeting the horizontally–integrated community blood centers in the Tri–State area of Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota. The goal of the project is to increase effectiveness and efficiency of the blood value chain.
  • Faculty presentation: Mr. Timothy Bryan, instructor in accounting, presented to the Evansville Area Fundraising Council, discussing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The talk focused on changes in the standard deduction and itemized deductions and their potential impact on charities receiving donations. He also expanded into strategies to mitigate any negative impact.
  • Meet Kelly Reisinger, SVP at Old National Bank, and member of Romain College's IT Alliance advisory board
  • Students attend Women in Economics Symposium at Federal Reserve Bank ofSt. Louis
  • The Romain College of Business launches Lessons Beyond the Classroom Speaker Series
  • Hilliard Lyons CIO Mark Nickel: Take chances in your career
  • Faculty award: Dr. Jamie Seitz, assistant professor of accounting,has received a grant award for her proposal, "The Impact of Employee Loyalty on Potential Whistleblower's Intent to Externally Report Financial Statement Fraud."
  • Faculty presentation: Dr. Daria Sevastianova, associate professor of economics, presented, "Introduction to the Economic Education Center at ²," at the Visionaries Breakfast at Old National Bank, sponsored by Purdue University, Indiana Council for Economic Education, and tri-state community leaders


  • ² First Annual Hackathon
  • Faculty award: Dr. Jack Smothers, associate professor of management and MBA Director,received the 2018 Best Paper Award in the Journal of Management History for his paper, "Social Enterprise in Antebellum America: The Case of Nashoba (1824-1829)." It was co-authored by Patrick Murphy, Milorad Novicevic, John Humphreys, Foster Roberts, & Artem Kornetskyy.
  • Getting to Know Celeste Tabor, a Young Professional on the Romain College Accounting Circle advisory board
  • Faculty presentation: Dr. Perry Burnett, associate professor of economics,was invited to be a presenter at the luncheon event of the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA). His presentation was titled, “Welcome to the Bubble Age: Asset Collapse, Fake News and Euphoria”.
  • Congratulations to Romain College alumnaJamie Robey '11 M'15 for being recognized at the 18th annual Phenomenal Women of ² banquet. The program honors and celebrates women from all walks of life who have made contributions to diversity in the ² and the Evansville communities.
  • First annual Hackathon a success



  • Meet ² Romain College of Business 2019 Distinguished Graduate Taylor Colbert
  • ² student recipient of German language scholarship
  • Dr. Jinsuk Yang, assistant professor of finance, has been awarded a grant for his proposal, "Does Credit Rating Attenuate Corporate Earning Management?"
  • ² ranks in top five for CMA exam success
  • APS Club receives IMA Gold Certificate of Excellence designation
  • Faculty presentation: Dr. Srishti Srivastava, assistant professor of computer science, presented, "Evaluating Student Engagement towards Integrating Parallel and Distributed Computing (PDC) Topics in Undergraduate Level Computer Science Curriculum," at the ACM Technical Symposium for the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE 2019).
  • Dr. Sang Choe, professor of marketing, presented, "A New Investment Mecca: North Korea for Global Enterprises," at the MBAA International Conference 2019 in Chicago, Illinois.
  • Faculty publications: Dr. Sima Fortsch, assistant professor of management. Fortsch's recent research publications include, "The value of inventory and the direction of the supply chain bullwhip effect," "Decreasing operational costs of non-profit community-based blood centres," and "A resilient donor arrival policy for blood."
  • Faculty publication: Dr. Curt Gilstrap, assistant professor of business communication. Gilstraphad his research paper "Exploring m-leader affordances: team leaders and mobile technologies" published by Emerald Insight. The paper aims to examine how mobile technologies impact virtual team leaders and provides insight into how mobile technologies afford leaders varied capacity to accomplish their team work.
  • Dr. Daria Sevastianova, associate professor of economics,presented, "The Global Economy - Why It Matters to You," at The Randall T. Shepard Leadership and Law Academy.
  • McGuire receives Lybrand Certificate of Merit


  • ² team competes in final four in IMA national accounting competition for twelfth time
  • Faculty publication: Dr. Abbas Foroughi,professor of computer information systems,chair of management and information sciences department. Foroughi's paper waspublished in June, 2019, in theJournal of Management Science. Foroughi, A. (2019). Psycho-Social Aspects of Learning in MOOC Courses.Journal of Management Science, 1(2), 26-42.
  • Dr. Brett Bueltel, assistant professor of accounting, received the 2019 JLTR Outstanding Paper Award for his article, "A Legal Analysis of State Tax Policy for Online Sales: The Recipe from Direct Marketing," published in the ATA Journal of Legal Tax Research (JLTR). He was recognized at the 2019 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting in San Francisco. The AAA is the largest community of accountants in academia and the premier accounting organization in academia.
  • Faculty presentation: Dr. Srishti Srivastava, assistant professor of computer science.Srivastava's paper titled, "A Container-Based Framework to Facilitate Reproducibility in Employing Stochastic Process Algebra for Modeling Parallel Computing Systems" was presented at the 33rd IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


  • Romain College Advising Center heads into its fifth year
  • Introduction to Coding for Elementary Teachers on ² campus
  • Zack Snyder: The Programmer behind the University's UNITECubeSatٱٱ
  • Dr. Jamie Seitz, assistant professor of accounting, presented, "Exploring the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 Whistleblower Provisions and Intentions to Blow the Whistle on Financial Statement Fraud: An Empirical Examination of the Factors that Influence Intent Using the Theory of Planned Behavior" in a roundtable discussion at the Institute of Management Accountants conference.
  • Dr. Cristina Gilstrap, assistant professor of business communication, presented, "Organizational Sensegiving in Family-Centered Care: How NICU Nurses Help Families Make Sense of the NICU Experience," at the.
  • Mr. Brian Routh, instructor in accounting, co-authored the article, "Bank Failures: A Study of Georgia Banks," which has been published in the Journal of Accounting and Finance Vol. 19(5) 2019.
  • Faculty publication: Dr. Sang Choe, professor of marketing. Choe's co-authored article, "A New Investment Mecca: North Korea for Global Enterprises," has been published in The Journal of International Business Research and Practice, Vol. 13 2019




  • Faculty presentation: Dr. Srishti Srivastava, assistant professor of computer science,presented, "Building a Pipeline of Future Coders" at the Evansville Information Executives Group (EIEG), which was attended by CIOs from local companies, Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation officials, and ² colleagues.
  • Cindi Clayton, instructor in business communication,was a panelist at the annual conference of the Organization for Communication, Language, and Gender, which was held in Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • Fall of the Wall Celebration interdisciplinary panel event
  • Faculty publication: Dr. Srishti Srivastava's article, "Assessing the Integration of Parallel and Distributed Computing in Early Undergraduate Computer Science Curriculum using Unplugged Activities," has been published in Proceedings of the IEEE Technical Consortium on High Performance Computing (TCHPC).
  • Faculty publication: Dr. Andrew Dill, assistant professor of accounting. His research article, "Towards an Understanding of the Dark Triad, Ethical Fading, and Ethicality of Behavior," was published inAdvances in Accounting Behavioral Research.
  • Faculty presentation: Mr. Scott Anderson, instructor in computer science, coordinator of computer science program, presentedUpdate on IndianaComputes! And Summer Camps at ²to the Evansville-Vanderburgh School Corporation Computer Science Faculty.
  • Faculty presentation: Dr. Jamie Seitz, assistant professor of accounting, presentedWould Your Employees Report Financial Fraud?at the Ethics Continuing Professional Education (CPE) event. The presentation was delivered to the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) Evansville Chapter.
  • Faculty presentation: Dr. Thomas Weber, assistant professor of management, presentedCaring Organization and Innovationat the Academy of International Business - U.S. Southeast Annual Conference 2019.
  • Faculty presentation: Dr. Jinsuk Yang, assistant professor of finance, presentedInformativeness of Sell-Recommendationatthe Academic Business Research (ABR) conference.
  • Faculty award: Dr. Thomas Weber, assistant professor of management, received the Best Reviewer Award from the Academy of International Business - U.S. Southeast Annual Conference 2019.
  • Senior accounting and finance major part of winning team at BGS 2019 Global Leadership Summit
