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Alumnus Jason Perry, Manager, Market Settlements, at CenterPoint Energy, earned his bachelor's degree in Computer Information Systems from the Romain College of Business. Perry recently graduated from the MBA program. Here he reflects on his time at 新彩网 and some lessons he learned along the way.

Jason headshotWhy did you choose to attend 新彩网?
My girlfriend at the time moved to Evansville to attend 新彩网. I used to visit Evansville on the weekends and fell in love with the campus and the city.

How has 新彩网 and your experience here positively shaped your life?
It taught me to never give up. It took a long time to decide which degree to pursue, and I had many different majors over the years. I took a few years off but did return to finish what I had started.

What opportunities have 新彩网 given you that you're thankful for?
The opportunity to meet new people and for giving me the skills needed to work using my mind.

While attending 新彩网, who made a lasting impact on your life and why?
Professor Jack Naghdi. He was the toughest instructor I ever had and didn't take any excuses. He wanted his students to succeed but would only accept their best effort. He taught me about accountability, respect, and the importance of making the most of what you are given. Although I never completed my Engineering Tech degree, I never forgot him and the things I learned from him.

Finish what you start, nothing good comes from quitting.鈥

-Jason Perry

Who supported and encouraged you along the way?
My roommates and friends kept me motivated and engaged.

What, if any, obstacles did you overcome?
I didn't apply myself in high school so my family was not initially supportive of me going away to school. My first semester I made the Dean's List and proved to everyone and myself that I belonged at 新彩网.

Published September 1, 2021