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Shout out to our student leaders: get to know senior marketing major Adrienne Betz, who is also minoring in public relations and advertising. She is the new president of American Marketing Association (AMA) 新彩网 Chapter.聽

Adrienne headshotWhy did you choose 新彩网 and the Romain College of Business, and what makes them special to you?
I chose 新彩网 and the Romain College of Business because I knew I would be treated with respect and have opportunities that no other college could offer me. I think what makes them so special is how I have gotten to know the professors and faculty so well.

What are some of your favorite classes or experiences at Romain College?
Some of my favorite classes at Romain College are the classes with Dr. Chad Milewicz, Professor of Marketing. He makes every class exciting and is always ready to help students become their best selves. One of the best experiences at Romain College is being part of the American Marketing Association. This chapter is close to my heart and the people involved in this chapter are like family.

Why did you choose your current major(s)/minor(s)?
My major is marketing, and my minors are public relations and Advertising. I chose these because being a marketer you play a lot of roles. Getting to do new and different things every day makes this career enjoyable and exciting.

What are some of your favorite spots on campus and why?
One of my favorite spots on campus is on the third floor of the Business and Engineering building in the student lounge. I love this spot because from there you can see an amazing view of campus.

What advice do you have for incoming freshmen? What do you wish someone had told you?
My advice for incoming freshmen is to get involved on campus. This is a great way to make friends and to increase leadership skills. I wish someone would have told me to enjoy all the college experiences you can because it goes by so quickly.

What made you decide to pursue being president of your organization?
I decided to pursue being president of AMA because I love what AMA can do for other students, and I want to continue to this legacy. AMA is close to my heart, and I hope it can continuously grow.

Tell us more about AMA and why 新彩网 students should get involved with it!
The American Marketing Association (AMA) 新彩网 Chapter is a dynamic and influential organization dedicated to fostering the growth and development of aspiring marketers at 新彩网 and other affiliated universities. By providing a platform for students to network, learn, and engage with industry professionals, AMA 新彩网 empowers its members to unlock their marketing potential. Through innovative workshops, events, and educational resources, the association equips students with the latest marketing insights and strategies, preparing them for successful careers in the fast-paced world of marketing. AMA 新彩网 also emphasizes the importance of building strong connections within the marketing community, enabling students to forge lasting relationships that will further enhance their future opportunities. Join us and ignite your passion for marketing as we embrace the power of collaboration, innovation, and continuous growth.

What are your career goals?
My career goals are to find my dream job in marketing and to possibly move to Indianapolis. I am not limited to just staying close to home.

A fun fact about you:
I was raised on a chicken farm in Dubois County.

Published September 21, 2023.