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The purpose of this policy is to outline the emergency action plan in accordance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations [29 CFR 1910.38(a)].

Policy Statement:
It is the policy of the University to notify all employees of the elements of the emergency evacuation plan and to expect all employees to read and understand the information presented In this plan. It is the intent of this plan to provide not only University employees, but also students and visitors with an appropriate emergency action plan.

1.0 Responsibility

It is the responsibility of each department head to enforce this policy. Failure to adhere to this policy may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the University's Human Resources Department. In the event of a fire alarm, all building occupants are required to evacuate. Failure to evacuate the building is a violation of this policy and may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the University's Human Resources Department. Employees who are observed not evacuating the building should be reported to their supervisor. Employees are encouraged to contact Environmental Health and Safety at 812 461-5393 if they are instructed by their supervisor not to evacuate. Environmental Health and Safety is responsible for notifying employees of the emergency action plan through the Risk Management and Environmental Health and Safety web site and via communication to employee supervisors.

2.0 Evacuation Plans

Evacuation plans are provided for all residence hall buildings. Environmental Health and Safety is in the process of revising and updating evacuation plans for academic buildings.

3.0 Emergency Action Plan Elements

The emergency action plan contains the following elements:

  • Emergency evacuation procedures and routs assignments.
  • Procedures to be followed by employees (if any) who remain to conduct critical functions before they evacuate.
  • Procedures to account for all employees after emergency evacuation has been completed.
  • Rescue and medical duties for those employees (if any) who are designated to perform them.
  • Names or regular job titles of persons or departments who can be contacted for further information or explanation of duties under the plan.
  • How to report fires and other emergencies.

3.1 Emergency evacuation procedures and route assignments

Evacuation plans are building specific. It is important for all employees of the University to be familiar with the evacuation policy for the building that is their primary place of employment as well as other areas that they are required to frequent.

The following procedures represent acceptable guidelines for ensuring the safe and orderly evacuation of building occupants:

  • Activate the fire alarm system.
  • From a safe location, call Security at 7777
  • Close door behind you.
  • Proceed to nearest accessible exit.
  • Do not use elevators.
  • Assemble in designated assembly area.
  • Do not re-enter building until instructed by building or fire officials.

Evacuation of individuals with disabilities

  • Assist disabled individuals out of the building using the nearest exit.
  • If unable to exit the building, assist individual to the nearest exit stairwell or safe area of refuge and inform emergency personnel of this condition.

3.2 Employees conducting critical functions before evacuating

Employees who are required and permitted by the responding fire department to remain in the building to conduct critical plant operations should perform their duties only if they are not in the smoke/fire area. Employees should never risk injury when performing work related duties.

3.3 Accounting for all persons after emergency evacuation

Supervisors should develop a procedure to account for employees, students and visitors after an emergency evacuation has been completed. The procedure should designate an area outside the building to which occupants should assemble. Supervisors who have knowledge of any person(s) still inside the building need to inform emergency responders (e.g., fire department).

3.4 Rescue and medical duties

Rescue and medical treatment for injured employees will be provided by the responding fire department and EMS unit.

3.5 Preferred means for reporting fires

The preferred means for reporting a fire is by activating the fire alarm system in a building. This is done by pulling the nearest manual fire alarm pull station. After activating the alarm, the person discovering the fire should immediately call Security at 7777 from a safe location.

3.6 Names or regular job titles of persons or departments who can be contacted for further information under the plan

The manager for Environmental Health and Safety (461-5393) should be contacted for information about the plan.

4.0 Building Fire Alarm System

All academic and administrative buildings and most residential facilities are equipped with fire alarm systems.

  • Security personnel are responsible for notifying the Perry Township Volunteer Fire Department (PTVFD) and the city of Evansville Fire Department (EFP)

Upon hearing the fire alarm system, all occupants must evacuate the building immediately. Faculty members and instructors are required to cease instruction and assist students in exiting the building.

The only exception for remaining in the building applies to "designated personnel" who are required to operate or shut down critical systems. Should smoke and/or fire be in the area of a critical system, "designated personnel" also shall immediately evacuate the building.

University personnel are to notify Physical Plant management of any known areas within a building where the fire alarm appears not to be working or cannot be heard over the ambient noise.

All manually operated pull stations are required to be unobstructed, conspicuous and readily accessible. Physical Plant management is responsible for ensuring that the fire alarm system is operational at all times.

5.0 Training

All employees must be trained on all the elements of the emergency action plan. Training should be conducted at the following times:

  • Initially when the plan is developed.
  • Whenever the employee's responsibilities or designated actions under the plan change.
  • Whenever the plan is changed.
  • Initially when first hired or assigned to the department.

5.1 Emergency Action Plan Training Outline

  • Procedures for evacuation and routes to use.
  • Procedures for accounting for all evacuated employees.
  • Special procedures for helping physically impaired employees.
  • Procedures for those employees who must remain behind temporarily to shut down critical plant equipment before they evacuate.
  • The preferred means of alerting employees to a fire emergency.
  • The written plan shall be kept at the workplace and made available for employee review.

6.0 Additional Information

For additional information or questions, contact Environmental Health and Safety at 812-461-5393.