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Bronstein Center History

The ²’s Bronstein Center for Healthy Aging and Wellness opened in 2008. Since that time, the Center has grown to become a leading center on aging regionally and nationally.

Review the timeline below for the history of the Center highlighted through key projects and press releases.

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6thAnnual Mid-America Institute on Aging August 2013: ²'s Center for Healthy Aging and Wellness collaborates with SWIRCA & More and an active community committee (291 registrations; 94 first-time ² attendees).

Centers for Disease Control Sub-Award through Welborn Baptist Foundationfor the development of theOnline Senior Resource Guide - for Elders, Caregivers, and Professionals in Southwestern Indiana; launched December, 2013 atresources.swica.org. Counties served: Dubois, Gibson, Perry, Pike, Posey, Spencer, Vanderburgh and Warrick (awarded, funded $68,858).

Interdisciplinary Gerontology Minor:The new 20-hour interdisciplinary gerontology minor replaces the previous 21-hour gerontology minor housed in the College of Nursing and Health Professions. The new minor is designed to prepare students of various majors for professional positions in the diverse field of gerontology. Paired with a major course of study, students completing a minor in gerontology will enhance their employability. The minor curriculum gives students an understanding of the interdisciplinary concepts related to gerontology in order to complement and enhance their major course of study. Interdisciplinary gerontology components include thesociological,psychological, andbiologicalaspects of aging.

Sigma Phi Omega:8 students and 4 faculty members joined. Dr. Katie Ehlman, assistant professor at ², named president-elect of this national academic and professional honor society in gerontology.

Careers in Aging Week:Members of Sigma Phi a “Student Scholars Forum on Aging” on April 10, 2013. The event gave students a chance to share academic projects and assignments related to aging, gerontology, and geriatrics. Sixty-three students from 10 different disciplines on campus participated, including social work, occupational therapy and occupational therapy assistant, radiology, health services, biology, and sociology.

Mt. Vernon Democrat Newspaper -Relationship established with Mt. Vernon Democrat (in Mt. Vernon, Ind.) to publish a Modern Maturity column twice a month through Oct. 16, 2013.

Memberships:Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE), Gerontological Society of America (GSA), Indiana Inter-College Council on Aging, and International Institute for Reminiscence and Life Review (IIRLR).

5thAnnual Mid-America Institute on Aging August 2012: ²'s Center for Healthy Aging and Wellness collaborates with SWIRCA and an active community committee (256 registrations; 64 first-time ² attendees).

Dean Receives National Award:Dr. Nadine Coudret, dean of the College of Nursing and Health Professions, receives one of the top awards in geriatric education from the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) at the groups annual meeting and conference, February 23, 2012, in Arlington, Virginia. Dr. Coudret received the Administrative Leadership Award for her exceptional efforts in support of gerontology and geriatrics education. During her tenure, she oversaw the development of many academic tracks and programs, including the creation of the Center for Healthy Aging and Wellness and the Mid-America Institute on Aging.

Sigma Phi Omega:Seven students and two new faculty inducted. New Curriculum: Effective Jan. 1, 2012, the Health Services Program in the College of Nursing and Health Professions changes academic concentrations to specialty tracks. The gerontology concentration has moved to a specialty track. Additionally, a long-term care administration specialty track has been added. Students who graduate from this specialty track will have the knowledge and internship experience to meet the requirements set by the state of Indiana to become an "administrator in training" and then to sit for the Health Facilities Administrator license in the state of Indiana. The gerontology minor in the College of Nursing and Health Professions has not changed.

Relationship established with Mt. Vernon Democrat(in Mt. Vernon, Ind.) to publish a Modern Maturity column twice a month scheduled to begin October 2012.

Memberships:Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE), Gerontological Society of America (GSA), Indiana Inter-College Council on Aging, and International Institute for Reminiscence and Life Review (IIRLR).

HRSA Grant:Comprehensive Geriatric Education Program through the Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) in the amount of $810,000 (awarded, but not funded).

SAWs (Servants At Work) Grant:²'s Center for Healthy Aging and Wellness partners with ²'s Outreach and Engagement to write a national Home Depot grant with SWIRCA & More, local Area Agency on Aging. The $5,000 grant was funded, and the local Home Depot store provided materials. Through a volunteer group called SAWs, four ramps were built between July and December of 2011.

Person-Centered Care Project:Funded by ²'s Endeavor Program, Service Learning Fellowship, and Faculty Teaching Enhancement Award. Partnership established with Bethel Manor to implement the "Hidden Treasures Project." Hidden Treasures, an academic service learning project embedded in a 15-week class, combines community service and class instruction to enhance student learning experiences and to teach civic responsibility. Using a life history-style approach, undergraduate gerontology students created short video documentaries, highlighting the life of an elder in a skilled nursing home. The video documentaries were designed to be viewed by interprofessional nursing home staff members in order to promote person-centered care within the facility.

Careers in Aging Week:Held April 11, 2011 at ², this event was funded by the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) and co-sponsored by the Center for Healthy Aging and Wellness, College of Nursing and Health Professions, Department of Social Work, STELLAR, and Sigma Phi Omega. Seven local professionals in the field of gerontology led an informative panel discussion, and there were also refreshments and door prizes.

4thAnnual Mid-America Institute on Aging, August 2011:²'s Center for Healthy Aging and Wellness collaborates with SWIRCA and an active community committee (389 registrations; 106 first time ² attendees).

Sigma Phi Omega:Seven new students inducted.

Memberships:Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE), Gerontological Society of America (GSA), Indiana Inter-College Council on Aging, and International Institute for Reminiscence and Life Review (IIRLR).

Bladder Buzz Grant:Awarded by the ² Applied Research Faculty Outreach and Engagement Summer Fellowships in the amount of $4,000. Written in conjunction with the Occupational Therapy and Nursing programs in the College of Nursing and Health Professions. Partnerships established with six Tri-State nursing homes to implement the Bladder Buzz Education Program: Westpark Rehabilitation, Heritage Center, Pine Haven, River Point, Woodbridge, and Phoenix Rehabilitation and Nursing.

Major as Home Grant:Used to establish Sigma Phi Omega, the Gerontology Honors Society in the amount of $750. Seventeen students inducted into Sigma Phi Omega from eight different disciplines across campus. ²'s Center for Healthy Aging and Wellness partnered with Health Services, Social Work, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, and Occupational Therapy Assistant.

3rd Annual Mid-America Institute on Aging, August 2010:²'s Center for Healthy Aging and Wellness collaborates with SWIRCA and an active community committee (273 registrations; 53 first-time ² attendees).

Memberships:Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE), Indiana Inter-College Council on Aging, Gerontology Society of America (GSA), American Geriatrics Society (AGS), and International Institute for Reminiscence and Life Review (IIRLR).

Yoga Grant:"Yoga …Yoganna Love It" is funded by the ² Major as Home grant in the amount of $3,200, in conjunction with the Health Services Department. Partnerships established with three area retirement communities: Kennedy Apartments, Buckner Apartments, and Willow Park.

STELLAR Grant:Funded by ²'s Major as Home in the amount of $1,300, in conjunction with the Social Work Department. Partnerships continued/established through STELLAR funding include Solarbron, Seton Residence, Evansville State Hospital, and Pine Haven.

Preservation Through the Generations Grant:Funded by Historic Southern Indiana, the Darrell Bigham Historic Southern Indiana Faculty Engagement Fellowship was awarded in the amount of $4,000. Used to establish partnerships with the Evansville Museum and ²'s Rice Library.

2nd Annual Mid-America Institute on Aging, August 2009:²'s Center for Healthy Aging and Wellness collaborates with SWIRCA and an active community committee (274 registrations; 71 first-time ² attendees).

Website:²'s Center for Healthy Aging and Wellness website developed.

Membership:Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE). Seven faculty across campus receive distribution from this organization.

Opening:²'s Center for Healthy Aging and Wellness opens in August, 2008.

Bladder Ultrasound Grant:Indiana State Department of Health funds "Assessing the Benefits of Bladder Ultrasound Scanners in Nursing Homes" in the amount of $37,285. In conjunction with Nursing, Imaging Sciences and Occupational Therapy Assistant. Partnerships established with four Tri-State nursing homes to implement grant: Newburgh Healthcare, Bethel Manor, Mt. Vernon Nursing and Rehabilitation, and Good Samaritan Home.

Mid-America Institute on Aging, August 2008:For the first time, ²'s Center for Healthy Aging and Wellness collaborates with SWIRCA and an active community committee to host this conference on aging on the ² campus (282 registrations; 80 ² attendees).

²'s Center for Healthy Aging and Wellnessbecomes member of Indiana Inter-College Council on Aging, an Indiana consortium for university-based aging centers.