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Fall 2014

2014 Senior Seminar Exhibition
November 3 - December 3, 2014

The 2014 Senior Seminar Exhibition features art and design work by 51 senior вÊÍø art majors and is the public culmination of their artistic achievements at вÊÍø. The exhibit is an important aspect of Art 493 and 494, the capstone seminar courses for art majors.

The participating artists are: Nathan Baird, Sara Behnke, Samantha Bekx, Evan Boyer, Johnny Bradburn, Brooke Brandenstein, Amanda Brinkman, Shelby Bruick, Zachary Bush, Erin Cronin, John Davis, Kenneth DeMoss, Adrienne Eades, Caleb Ellis, Derek Garrett, Grant Gordon, Julia Hardy, Kelly Hess, Holly Hordynski, Lauren Humbert, Emily Johnson, Sean Kerchief, Brandon Kohl, Hope Koontz, Miguel Latorre, Kris Leisman, John Litwiler, Amanda Lupfer, Megan Miller, Jennifer Niswonger, Emily Nonte, Spencer Paddock, Matthew Perez, Adam Rakestraw,  Martin Riedford,  Ashley Rudicel, Veronica Shelton, Danny Schembre, Kyra Schmidt, Sara Schmitt, Cassidy Schwenk, Lenzie Sowders, Ashley Steele, Kalli Stylianides, Luciano Trentini, Shae Vaal, Anise Vaughn, Zachary Wehner, Lacey Wolford and Autumn Woodrum.

There will be a free public reception for the student artists from 2 to 4 p.m., Sunday, November 9 at the McCutchan Art Center and Pace Galleries. Light refreshments will be served.