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Spring 2018


Ronald Sloan'swork is part of numerous private collections and has beenincluded in hundreds of group and solo exhibits around the country during hisfifty-plus years of painting.


Crack”—curated Columbus, Ohio’s, first poetry shows for biracialwriters (The Other Box), translation (Lingua Franca), and immigration (NewWorld). He’s a Callaloo fellow and his chapbook, Humming Dirges, won PaperNautilus’s Debut Series (2017). He has work on/forthcoming in Tinderbox, Juked, andGlass.

Britt Ashley is a queer femme from Texas who makes poems and biscuits.Her writing and artwork has appeared or is forthcoming from The Pinch, creamcity review, Juked, Winter Tangerine, The Offing, and elsewhere. She is the formereditor-in-chief of Indiana Reviewand she recently served as the managing editorat Bitch Media.

is the author of The Maintenance of the Shimmy-Shammyand the recipient of a 2018 Pushcart Prize for his poem “It’s Something Peoplein Love Do”; his recent publications include poetry in The Missouri Review,Prairie Schooner, Ploughshares, Mid-American Review, and Hayden’s Ferry Reviewand creative nonfiction in Boulevard, Passages North, and Colorado Review. Citroreceived his MFA from Indiana University and lives in Syracuse, New York.

Charlie Clark’s work has appeared in Pleiades, Smartish Pace, The ThreepennyReview, West Branch, and other journals. He studied poetry at the University ofMaryland and the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference. Clark lives in Austin, Texas.

is a poet living and working in Ann Arbor as a letterpress printerand as the education coordinator at a non-profit creative reuse center. She studiedpoetry at The University of Michigan Helen Zell Writers’ program where shereceived prizes in both fiction and poetry. Her work may be found in Diagram, TheLiterary Review, The Journal, and Black Warrior Review, among others. Birds withTeeth, her first chapbook, was published by alice blue press.

is a poet from Alabama who loves cats, crystals, and classic rock.Hendrix is an MFA candidate at the University of Texas at Austin and serves as theonline content and web editor for Bat City Review. Their work has appeared or isforthcoming in The Chattahoochee Review, Shenandoah, The Pinch, and elsewhere.

is from California. She is the author of the chapbook Little Climates(Bull City Press, 2017). She received her MFA from Columbia University and iscurrently pursuing her PhD in literature and creative writing from the Universityof Southern California, where she is a provost’s fellow. Her poems have recentlyappeared or are forthcoming in The American Poetry Review, The Antioch Review,The Iowa Review, Narrative Magazine, The Southern Review, and other journals.

Sunken Place Sestina”— received an MFA in poetry from Florida InternationalUniversity, where she was a Knight Foundation Fellow. She received a RonaJaffe Foundation Writers Award, and her debut collection, Magic City Gospel(Hub City Press, 2017), won a silver medal in poetry in the 2017 IndependentPublishers Book Awards. Her second collection, dark // thing, won the Lena-MilesWever Todd Prize for Poetry from Pleiades Press, and is forthcoming in 2019.Jones lives and teaches in Birmingham, Alabama.

Lisa Maria Martin is a Cuban-American poet who earned her MFA at Cornell.Her work has appeared in Pleiades, Indiana Review, Crab Orchard Review, Hayden’sFerry Review, and others. Raised in Virginia, she currently lives in Boston andworks as an editor and information architect. Martin tweets about poetry, politics,and Star Trek at .

White Earth” — is the author of five books of poems, including Holy Moly CarryMe (BOA Editions), forthcoming in September 2018; Copia (BOA Editions);and Ideal Cities (Harper Perennial), which was a 2009 National Poetry serieswinner. She is currently an associate professor of English at Virginia Tech, whereshe directs the MFA and undergraduate programs in creative writing.

Alex Mouw’s poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Colorado Review,Ruminate, poets.org, Briar Cliff Review, Tahoma Literary Review, and elsewhere.He is the recipient of awards and fellowships from the National Society of Artsand Letters, the Lilly Foundation, and Purdue University. Mouw served as apoetry editor for Sycamore Review and is currently a visiting assistant professor ofEnglish at Hope College.

Fawn”— is the author of Lethal Theater (forthcoming from OhioState University Press in 2019) and Teratology, winner of the Lexi RudnitskyFirst Book Prize in Poetry. Her poems and essays have appeared in Crazyhorse,The National Poetry Review, 32 Poems, Pleiades, The Los Angeles Review of BooksQuarterly, Guernica, and elsewhere. Nevison is currently at work on a collaborativecollection of poetry with the writer Molly McCully Brown. Beginning fall 2018,she will join Sweet Briar College as a visiting assistant professor of English andcreative writing.

Dustin Nightingale is the author of Ghost Woodpecker, a chapbook forthcomingfrom BatCat Press. His poetry has been or will be published in journals suchas The American Journal of Poetry, New Ohio Review, Cimarron Review, PortlandReview, and decomP.Nightingale lives in Hartford, Connecticut.

Samuel Piccone is the author of Pupa, which was awarded editors’ choice in the2017 Rick Campbell Chapbook Prize with Anhinga Press. His work has appearedor is forthcoming in publications including, The Southeast Review, Passages North,American Literary Review, and Zócalo Public Square. Piccone received an MFA inpoetry from North Carolina State University and serves on the poetry staff atRaleigh Review. Currently, he resides and teaches in Nevada.

holds an MFA in poetry from Bennington College. Her workhas appeared in The Rio Review and Prairie Schooner and is forthcoming in NorthAmerican Review and Five Points (as the recipient of the James Dickey Prize forPoetry). She was recently recognized with a 2017 Fall Fellowship at the KimmelHarding Nelson Center for the Arts. Pryor lives and teaches in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Jacob Sunderlin is a writer and musician who has received support fromthe Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, Massachusetts, and the DjerassiResident Artists Program. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in BeloitPoetry Journal, The Cincinnati Review, Colorado Review, Gulf Coast, NarrativeMagazine, Ninth Letter, Ploughshares, Third Coast, and elsewhere. His records and are available on cassette and for download.

In Praise of the Names of Things— Chelsea Wagenaar is the author of Mercy Spurs the Bone, selected by PhilipLevine as the winner of the 2013 Philip Levine Prize. She holds a PhD in Englishliterature and creative writing from the University of North Texas. Recent poemsappear or are forthcoming in Poetry Northwest, The Normal School, and The SouthernReview, and recent nonfiction appears in Grist. Wagenaar currently teaches as apostdoctoral Lilly Fellow at Valparaiso University and is at work on a second bookof poems, The Spinning Place. She lives in Indiana with her husband, poet MarkWagenaar; their daughter; and their son.

2017 Mary C. Mohr Poetry Award winner is the 2016 winner of Red Hen Press’ Benjamin SaltmanPrize for Southern Tongues Leave Us Shining. His first two collections, The BodyDistances (A Hundred Blackbirds Rising) and Voodoo Inverso, won UMass Press’sJuniper Prize and the University of Wisconsin Press’s Felix Pollak Prize in Poetry, respectively. His poems have appeared in or are forthcoming from The New Yorker,Tin House, 32 Poems, FIELD, The Southern Review, Image, and many others.Wagenaar teaches literature and creative writing at Valparaiso University, in Indiana.

Alex C. Zhang has been featured or is forthcoming in The Adroit Journal, Rust+ Moth, The Blueshift Journal, The Sierra Nevada Review, and other publications.He is currently an undergraduate student at Columbia University.


is an author and playwright. He has won numerous awardsfor both fiction and drama, including five Ohio Arts Council Individual ExcellenceAwards. His short fiction has appeared in The Sun, North American Review,Indiana Review, and Tampa Review. His novels include Strobe Life and the recentlycompleted Tiki Man. Atkinson and his wife live in Ohio and have two sons.

Lance Dyzak is a PhD student in creative writing at the University of Tennessee,where he is also working on his first novel. Dyzak’s work has previously appearedin New Limestone Review and Per Contra.

2017 Mary C. Mohr Fiction Award winner Shubha Venugopal holds an MFA in fiction and a PhD in English. Her workhas appeared or will appear in Nimrod International Journal Awards Issue, 2017;Fish Anthology 2017; WomenArts Quarterly Journal; The Masters Review; BANG!;The New Guard; Kartika Review; Potomac Review; Post Road Magazine; Storyglossia;Word Riot; and in other journals. Her stories appeared in the anthology A StrangerAmong Us: Stories of Cross Cultural Collision and Connection and in the 2009 RobertOlen Butler Short Fiction Prize anthology. Venugopal teaches at the CaliforniaState University Northridge.


Matt Muilenburg teaches at the University of Dubuque. His creative nonfiction has been featured in Southern Humanities Review, Storm Cellar, Superstition Review, Barnstorm, Atticus Review, New Plains Review, and others.A graduate of the Wichita State MFA program, Muilenburg lives in Iowa near the Fieldof Dreams.

2017 Mary C. Mohr Nonfiction Award winner is is a Latina anthropologist, writer, and women’s rightsadvocate. She is the author of Looking for Esperanza and My Mother’s Funeral.Her essays have appeared in multiple literary magazines and noted in The BestAmerican Essays of 2012, 2013 and 2014. She teaches in the low-residency MFAprogram at Fairfield University and is an alumna of Voices of Our Nations ArtsFoundation (VONA), a community of writers of color. Páramo is currently livingin Qatar where, oddly enough, she works as a yoga and Zumba instructor.

Michael Waters has written twelve books of poetry, including The Dean ofDiscipline;Celestial Joyride;Gospel Night; Darling Vulgarity, a finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize;and Parthenopi: New and Selected Poems, finalist for the Paterson Poetry Prize.His poems have appeared in various journals, including The Yale Review, The ParisReview, The Kenyon Review, Poetry, The Georgia Review, and Rolling Stone. He isprofessor of English at Monmouth University and also teaches in the DrewUniversity MFA Program in Poetry and Poetry in Translation. Waters lives withhis wife, poet Mihaela Moscaliuc, in Ocean, New Jersey.