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SIR 2021 Spring


Ìýis most recent books are The Inheritance: Poems and PhotosandÌýMidwestern, a book of photographs. Past and future solo exhibitions of hisÌýphotographs include shows in Columbia, Missouri; the Normal Public LibraryÌýin Normal, Illinois; Presser Arts Center in Mexico, Missouri; The MississippiÌýRiver Gallery in Hannibal, Missouri; and the Kansas CityÌý Public Library.ÌýAn alumnus of the MFA in creative writing program at Southern IllinoisÌýUniversity-Carbondale, Justin works as the district librarian at North CallawayÌýR-1 Schools and lives in Mexico, Missouri, with his wife and two daughters.


fourth collection of poems, Dialogues with RisingÌýTides, was recently published by Copper Canyon Press. She is the co-founder ofÌýTwo Sylvias Press as well as the co-director of Poets on the Coast: A WeekendÌýRetreat for Women. Agodon lives in a sleepy seaside town in Washington StateÌýwhere she is an avid paddleboarder and hiker. You can write to her directly atÌýkelli@agodon.com.

is the author of Rare Wondrous Things, a poetic biography of MariaÌýSibylla Merian (Green Writers Press, 2020), and three chapbooks. Her poemsÌýhave appeared in Alaska Quarterly Review, Gulf Coast, Poetry International, andÌýWest Branch. She serves as poetry editor for Cherry Tree and teaches at BrevardÌýCollege, where she directs the Looking Glass Rock Writers’ Conference.

grew up in Stuttgart, Germany, and Lansing, Michigan.ÌýShe is the author of All Heathens from Sarabande Books (2020). Her poems haveÌýappeared or are forthcoming in New England Review, Michigan Quarterly Review,ÌýThe Cincinnati Review, The Rumpus, West Branch, and elsewhere. Chan is currentlyÌýpursuing a PhD in creative writing at the University of Cincinnati.

is the author of twenty-two books of poetry and numerousÌýother books of fiction, criticism, and essays. His latest collection, Nebraska, wasÌýpublished in 2020. He is Glenna Luschei Editor of Prairie Schooner and teachesÌýat the University of Nebraska as George W. Holmes University Professor ofÌýEnglish, and at the Pacific MFA program. He isÌý director of the African PoetryÌýBook Fund and artistic director of the Calabash International Literary Festival.ÌýDawes is a Chancellor of the Academy of American Poets and a Fellow of theÌýRoyal Society of Literature. His awards include an Emmy, the Forward PoetryÌýPrize, a Guggenheim Fellowship, and the prestigious Windham Campbell PrizeÌýfor Poetry. In 2021, Dawes was named editor of American Life in Poetry.

is the author of three poetry collections, I Am Not TryingÌýto Hide My Hungers From the World (BOA Editions, 2021); My Dinner with RonÌýJeremy; and Thieves in the Afterlife, selected by Yusef Komunyakaa for the 2013ÌýSaturnalia Books Poetry Prize. She is also co-author of Low Budget Movie (Diode,Ìý2021), a collaborative chapbook written with Tyler Mills. She has received awardsÌýand fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, MacDowell, the BreadÌýLoaf Writers’ Conference, the Millay Colony, Split this Rock, and the TennesseeÌýArts Commission. Her poems and essays have appeared in American Poetry Review,ÌýTin House, Waxwing, Los Angeles Review, Bitch Magazine, VIDA, and elsewhere.
DeColo currently teaches at The Hugo House and lives in Nashville, Tennessee.

Poems from Amy Fleury’s current manuscript, Stardust & Luck, have appearedÌýin or are forthcoming from 32 Poems, Image, Crazyhorse, Los Angeles Review,Ìýand Southern Poetry Review. She is author of two poetry collections, BeautifulÌýTrouble and Sympathetic Magic, both from Southern Illinois University Press.ÌýFleury teaches in and directs the MFA program in creative writing at McNeeseÌýState University in Lake Charles, Louisiana.

Christine Guaragno is a poet and bookseller living in Memphis, Tennessee.ÌýYou can find her work online at Seventh Wave Magazine, the Pittsburgh PoetryÌýReview, and Pidgeonholes Magazine.

is a Cave Canem, MacDowell, and Ragdale fellow whoÌýearned her MFA from Emerson College. She is author of Unslakable, a 2018ÌýVella Chapbook Award Winner, and Stray Harbor. Her poems have appeared inÌýThe Academy of American Poets Poem-a-Day, ZYZZYVA, and The CincinnatiÌýReview, as well as other journals. Her writing is featured in various anthologiesÌýincluding Other Tongues: Mixed Race Women Speak Out, All We Can Hold: poemsÌýof motherhood, and Nasty Women Poets: An Anthology of Subversive Verse.

holds an MFA in poetry from Florida International University,Ìýand is the author of Magic City Gospel, dark / / thing, and REPARATIONS NOW!Ìý(Hub City Press, 2021). Her poetry has earned several awards, including the RonaÌýJaffe Foundation Writers Award, the Silver Medal in the Independent PublishersÌýBook Awards, the Lena-Miles Wever Todd Prize for Poetry, a Literature FellowshipÌýfrom the Alabama State Council on the Arts, the Lucille Clifton Poetry Prize,Ìýand the Lucille Clifton Legacy Award. Her poems and essays appear in or areÌýforthcoming at CNN, POETRY, The Oxford American, Origins Journal, Obsidian,Ìýand many others. Jones teaches at the Alabama School of Fine Arts, co-directsÌýPEN Birmingham, and is the founding director of the Magic City Poetry Festival.Ìý

Gary McDowell is the author of Aflame (White Pine Press, 2020), winner ofÌýthe 2019 White Pine Press Poetry Award, as well as Caesura: Essays, Mysteries in aÌýWorld That Thinks There Are None, Weeping at a Stranger’s Funeral, and AmericanÌýAmen. He is also the co-editor of The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Prose Poetry:ÌýContemporary Poets in Discussion and Practice. His poems have appeared recentlyÌýin Ploughshares,ÌýColorado Review, Poetry Northwest, Cimarron Review, and others.ÌýMcDowell lives in Nashville, Tennessee, where he is an associate professor ofÌýEnglish at Belmont University.

Tyler Mills is the author of the chapbook The City Scattered (SnowboundÌýChapbook Award, Tupelo Press, 2022), co-author with Kendra DeColo of LowÌýBudget Movie (Diode Editions Chapbook Prize, Diode Editions, 2021), and authorÌýof the poetry books Hawk Parable and Tongue Lyre. A poet and essayist, herÌýpoems have appeared in The New Yorker, TheÌý Guardian, The New Republic, TheÌýBeliever, and POETRY, and her essays in AGNI, Brevity, Copper Nickel, and TheÌýRumpus. Mills teaches for Sarah Lawrence College’s Writing Institute, edits TheÌýAccount, and lives in Brooklyn.

Christina Olson is the author of Terminal Human Velocity. Her chapbook TheÌýLast Mastodon won the Rattle 2019 Chapbook Contest. Other work appears inÌýThe Atlantic, The Normal School, Virginia Quarterly Review, and The Best CreativeÌýNonfiction. She is an associate professor at Georgia Southern University andÌýtweets about coneys and mastodons as @olsonquest.

Seattle poet is the author of four poetry books, most recently,ÌýCloud Pharmacyand The Alchemist’s Kitchen. She has earned an Artists TrustÌýFellowship, a Fulbright Fellowship, the PEN USA Award for Poetry, and TheÌýTimes (of London) Literary Supplement Award. Rich’s publications include theÌýHarvard Review, New England Review, Poetry Northwest, and World LiteratureÌýToday. She has two collections forthcoming: A Gallery of Postcards and Maps:ÌýNew and Selected Poems (Salmon Press) and Blue Atlas(Red Hen Press).

is a queer writer, poet, and narrative designer raised in AppalachiaÌýand living in Louisville, Kentucky. Her work has appeared in The Southern Review,ÌýPleiades, and elsewhere. She lives on a farm with too many chickens.Ìý

is the author of five books, including Keep Moving, Good Bones,Ìýand a new collection of poems, Goldenrod, forthcoming from One Signal/SimonÌý& Schuster in July 2021. Her poems and essays have appeared in The New YorkÌýTimes, POETRY, The New Yorker, the Washington Post, and The Paris Review.Ìý

is the author of four books of poetry, including the forthcomingÌýSum Ledger(Measure Press, 2021). His most recent collection, Catafalque,Ìýwon the Richard Wilbur Award. His recent poems appear, or will soon appear,Ìýin Ploughshares, The Georgia Review, The Gettysburg Review, Beloit Poetry Journal,ÌýNinth Letter, The Massachusetts Review, Copper Nickel, and Western HumanitiesÌýReview, among others.

Natalie Louise Tombasco is pursuing a PhD in creative writing at FloridaÌýState University and serves as the interviews editor of the Southeast Review.ÌýHer work can be found in Copper Nickel, Southwest Review, Painted Bride Quarterly,ÌýMeridian, Salt Hill, Third Coast, The Rumpus, Poet Lore, and VIDA Review, amongÌýothers. A chapbook, Collective Inventions, is forthcoming with CutBank in 2021.

Phillip B. Williams was born in Chicago, Illinois, and is author of the poetryÌýcollection Thief in the Interior, winner of the Kate Tufts Discovery Award andÌýLambda Literary Award. He is a recipient of a 2017 Whiting Award and 2020ÌýRadcliffe Fellowship. Williams currently teaches at Bennington College.

first book of poems, Centaur, was selected by Terrance HayesÌýfor the 2013 Brittingham Prize. His work has appeared in The Best AmericanÌýPoetry 2014, AGNI, TheAmerican Poetry Review, The Yale Review, Kenyon Review,ÌýThe New Republic, and elsewhere. A former Stegner Fellow and Jones LecturerÌýat Stanford University, Wrenn is an assistant professor of English at JamesÌýMadison University.


Joe Dornich’s stories have won contests and fellowships with South CentralÌýMLA, Carve Magazine, The Master’s Review, and Key West Literary Seminars,Ìýamong others. He lives in Knoxville and teaches at the University of Tennessee.Ìý

Katherine Sanchez Espano is the author of a novel, The Infinity Bloom, and aÌýpoetry collection, The Sky’s Dustbin. Her short fiction and poetry are forthcoming orÌýhave appeared in Green Mountains Review, The Massachusetts Review, Painted BrideÌýQuarterly, and elsewhere. Espano holds an MFA from the University of Florida,Ìýand teaches English and creative writing at the University of North Florida.

holds an MFA in writing from the Vermont College of FineÌýArts and studied for a PhD in physics at Cornell. Her writing has been publishedÌýin The Boston Globe and at CBS News online. She lives in Los Angeles.

is the author of The Salt Line, The Next Time You SeeÌýMe, and Girl Trouble: Stories. Her newest book, a collection of short stories titledÌýAntipodes, will be published in spring 2022. She lives in Greensboro, NorthÌýCarolina, with her husband and children and teaches at UNC Greensboro.

collection of linked stories set in Washington, D.C., AdmitÌýThis to No One, is forthcoming in November 2021 from Unnamed Press, theÌýpublisher of her 2018 novel Silver Girl. Her first collection of short stories, ThisÌýAngel on My Chest, won the 2015 Drue Heinz Literature Prize and was publishedÌýby University of Pittsburgh Press. Fiction and essays have appeared in Ploughshares,ÌýStory Magazine, The Southern Review, The Gettysburg Review, The Sun, and otherÌýjournals. Awards include a Pushcart Prize in 2020.

Scott R. Sheppard is an OBIE award-winning playwright and theater artistÌýliving in Astoria, New York. He is a co-director of the theater company LightningÌýRod Special and the co-writer/performer of Underground Railroad Game, namedÌýby The New York Times in 2018 as one of the top twenty-five plays in twenty-fiveÌýyears. Sheppard was a lead writer/performer for the musical The Appointment (BestÌýTheater of 2019: The New York Times, New Yorkmagazine and Time Out New York).


is a writer and musician from Toronto, Canada, currentlyÌýpursuing an MFA in creative writing at The Ohio State University. He writesÌýfiction and nonfiction and produces audio essays with original music and soundÌýdesign. Fitzgerald’s fiction is forthcoming in EVENT magazine.

is a Seattle writer whose work has appeared in TheÌýGettysburg Review, New Letters, The Louisville Review, Cold Mountain Review,ÌýRiver Teeth, Under the Sun, Chicago Quarterly Review, The Antigonish Review, TheÌýDalhousie Review, The Raven Chronicles, The Manchester Review, four anthologies,Ìýand elsewhere. She is an avid but cautious skier and enthusiastic world traveler.

is the winner of the 2017 Red Hen Press Nonfiction Book Award for The Rib Joint: A Memoir in Essays. Her first poetry collection, Hold Like Owls, won the 2011 South Carolina Poetry Book Prize, and her second, Pine, won the 2019 Michael Waters Poetry Prize. Koets’s essays and poems have recently appeared in Creative Nonfiction, Indiana Review, The Los Angeles Review, and Portland Review. She has an MFA in creative writing from the University of South Carolina and a PhD in literature and creative writing from the University of Cincinnati. Koets is an assistant professor of creative nonfiction at the University of South Florida.

Adam Szetela is a PhD student in the English department at Cornell University.ÌýHe has written for The Boston Globe, Vice, Salon, Ninth Letter, Rattle, and elsewhere.ÌýSzetela splits his time between Ithaca, New York, and Boston, Massachusetts.