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Contact вÊÍø

You Belong Here

Welcome! If you made it to this page with an interest in applying to a tenure-track position, you are in the right spot and we're excited you are here.Ìý

To apply for our open position for the 2024-2025 academic year, click .Ìý

To help you familiarize yourself with our search process when we have open positions, the Psychology Department, вÊÍø, and the Evansville community we've pulled together some resources. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to Dr. Amie McKibban.Ìý

Our search committee is comprised of three faculty in psychology: Dr. Amie McKibban (Community Psychologist), Dr. Julie Eyink (Social Psychologist), Dr. Zachary Pilot (Cognitive Developmental Psychologist. Click here to learn more about their research. Committee members will share information about their classes and other activities in the interview process if you are interested.

Dr. Amie McKibban

Dr. Julie Eyink

Dr. Zachary Pilot

Once Applications are Received

We will begin reviewing application materials approximately 3 weeks after the position has been posted and will invite candidates on our short list for a brief (30 minute) virtual interview following our initial review. This brief interview will give you a chance to ask any questions that may not be answered here. It will also give us a chance to learn a bit more about you, your interest in вÊÍø, and your teaching and research.

This phase is iterative, so please feel free to apply after we begin the review. ÌýÌý

Once virtual interviews are complete, we will invite three finalists for each position to campus for in-person interviews. We're excited to introduce you to our department and to give you a chance to see our beautiful campus and the people who work and study here!

What to Expect Upon Arrival

You will arrive the day before your on-campus interview. We will arrange all transportation and hotel accommodations to make your visit as comfortable and smooth as possible. If you arrive early enough in the evening, we will take you to dinner and back to the hotel. We understand you may have different needs and will work to accommodate those needs.

What to Expect the Day of the Interview

Following a continental breakfast at the hotel, we will pick you up and bring you to campus where your day will be scheduled with the following activities between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.:

  • 30-minute one-on-one meetings with our full-time faculty
  • 30-minute meeting with the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts
  • 30-minute research presentation to faculty and students
  • 50-minute teaching demonstration in a real class with real students - we will let you know what class and the topic beforehand!
  • A brief meeting with HR to discuss benefits (and immigration if applicable)
  • Campus tour and possible meetings with offices that offer services you may be interested in, such as the library.Ìý

We know interviews can be long and stressful, so we will schedule breaks and prep time into your day - including going to lunch at . Depending on your travel arrangements, we will take you to dinner that evening or to the airport to travel back home. Your travel arrangements and the schedule of activities will be sent to you in advance.Ìý

You can learn more about the program, the courses we offer, and the internships we oversee by browsing our website. In the following sections, we give you an idea of what it's like to be a professor in our department and at вÊÍø and the resources available to you.Ìý

Information about Teaching & Classes

вÊÍø is a teaching centered university, and we love that! Each semester, you will teach 12 credit hours (the required course load at the university). With four classes, we do our best to make sure you do not have four different preps, and instead try to keep it to 2-3 preps per semester. Most classes you teach will be face-to-face, however online or hybrid courses are available if you're interested in those modalities! With a focus on teaching, there are many resources available at вÊÍø including opportunities to receive course load reduction awards for scholarship (LARA) and diversity related projects (EDIC),Ìýresources to enhance your teaching, and programs to develop online courses - so be sure to check out those links!Ìý

Information about Research & Labs

Students meeting for a research lab meeting at a long table in our Psychology research lab spaceAs part of the tenure-track expectations, you will develop and maintain an active research agenda. We recognize that producing research can feel overwhelming when you are teaching four classes. To help move research forward, many of our faculty develop undergraduate research labs and work cross-functionally with other researchers/institutions. You will have the opportunity to do so too, or you can develop a solo research agenda.

The department has research lab space if you collect in person data and access to Qualtrics, SPSS, NVivo, MediaLab, Eye-Tracking Software, and an observation room with a one-way mirror. To help defray research costs, the College and University offer internal grants and stipends. You can learn more about those here (CLAFDA) and here.Ìý

Information about Advising & Service

Tenured and tenure-track faculty are expected to participate in service and advise undergraduate students. As a new faculty member, we only expect you to participate in departmental service (i.e., department meetings) your first year to allow you time to set up your courses and research agenda. After your first year, you can slowly introduce service into your workload. There are numerous ways to do so - through committee work in the college or at the university level and/or in the community.

Similarly, your first year we do not assign you advisees. We want you to use that time to learn about the program, вÊÍø, our students, and to take advantage of the advising trainings offered. After your first year, you will begin to advise psychology majors - but don't worry - we assign you a smaller number of majors so you can get your feet wet before taking on a full roster of majors!Ìý

As part of the interview process, you will have the opportunity to learn about the benefits offered at the вÊÍø. However, we recognize that knowing about the benefits offered beforehand may help you in deciding whether or not to apply. You can learn about the numerous (and in some cases generous) benefits here.Ìý

Take a Tour of Campus

Picture of the front of the campus library with the trees turning orange for fallOne of our favorite things about the вÊÍø is the campus! Located on a beautiful 1,400-acre campus, it's surrounded by trees and trails. Curious to see what the fuss is about before arriving? You can browse pictures of each area of campus here or take a of campus! You can also learn more about the multi-use trails here. From fitness to dining to leisure, there are spaces on our campus that meet your interests.Ìý

Learn more about Living in Evansville

A meditation park located in New Harmony Indiana featuring a sculpture surrounded by naturePart of deciding to join our team is also deciding to live in . in here. From food festivals to art festivals to music festivals (we particularly like the and ) and everything in between, you'll likely find activities to fill your time. Evansville is also close enough to take day or weekend trips to St. Louis, Louisville, Nashville, Lexington, and many other major cities. If you like the quieter, more historical side of things, we are close to - a small community as a spiritual sanctuary for the Harmonie Society and then a haven for international scientists and scholars led by Robert Owen in 1825. Lastly, Evansville is home to the top ranked in the nation. We hope you find these links helpful!