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Oftentimes we are faced with the need to have critical conversations with others that could also be referred to as "difficult discussions”, "important interactions", or even "crucial conversations". Knowing how to prepare for and conduct these interactions can be critical for a successful outcome. This program is based off key elements from the best-selling book,Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High.Critical conversations happen all of the time with everyone. Conversations are considered critical when opinions vary, the stakes are high and emotions run strong.

In this session, participants will learn how to handle critical conversations in an effective manner rather than avoiding the problem by choosing to go silent. At the close of this interactive session, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the conversations that are keeping them from their desired results
  • Speak persuasively not abrasively, no matter the topic
  • Make it safe for others to share their honest opinions
  • Deal with people who either clam up or blow up
  • Gain control of their own emotional responses
  • Disagree without being disagreeable
  • Influence without exerting force

This program can be customized to fit your organization’s specific needs. It can also be chosen as part of a customized Leadership Skills Certificate, offering prospective, new and experienced leaders an opportunity to gain needed skills.

Whether it is shortening a training to fit in one day, increasing the curriculum to cover several classes,
or changing the location of the training from here at ² to your location,
we have the training you are looking for to grow your business.

Get Started Today

Request more information to get started on a needs assessment.
Together, we will develop the best plan for your employees and company.

Paula Nurrenbern Office 812-461-5425
Director of Corporate Partnerships Cell 812-455-3629
and Customized Training

8600 University Boulevard
Evansville, Indiana 47712

Pjnurrenbe@usi.edu ².edu/Custom-Training

Lesley Groves Office 812-464-1854
Asst. Director of Corporate Partnerships
and Customized Training

8600 University Boulevard
Evansville, Indiana 47712

lagroves@usi.edu ².edu/Custom-Training