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What is Process Improvement?

Process improvement is atechnique that helps you take in and evaluate feedback about your operation to ensure continuous improvement.

Do you want to improve how to MAXIMIZE your organization’s profits?

In this in-depth three-hour program, you will learn to define the elements of the process, examine the financial impact, develop an understanding of the key goals, build a working knowledge of the tools available, and discuss “zero defects”. Group exercises will be used with the tools to help reinforce how they are used in real time situations. If time permits, we will even discuss process visual controls, 5 approaches for problem solving, process simulations on the computer and how this process relates to Inventory management and Lean (JIT) Systems.

At the end of this program, you will have gained a skill set for analyzing, evaluating, and improving a process by eliminating non-value-added waste. You will also develop the ability to reduce the cost of labor, materials and overhead by improving the productive use of all resources. You will leave this program with a “hit the ground running toolbox” of usable skills, ready to improve your organization’s profitability!

Would you like to learn how to increase process output without increasing labor and other resources?

Contact us to see how we can bring this program to your site.

“One sure way to increase business profit is to implement a process improvement program. When a business audits its internal processes and extracts waste from those processes, the result is inevitably more time or money being leftover.”

Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

Whether it is shortening a training to fit in one day, increasing the curriculum to cover several classes,
or changing the location of the training from here at ² to your location,
we have the training you are looking for to grow your business.

Get Started Today

Request more information to get started on a needs assessment.
Together, we will develop the best plan for your employees and company.

Paula Nurrenbern Office 812-461-5425
Director of Corporate Partnerships Cell 812-455-3629
and Customized Training

8600 University Boulevard
Evansville, Indiana 47712

Pjnurrenbe@usi.edu ².edu/Custom-Training

Lesley Groves Office 812-464-1854
Asst. Director of Corporate Partnerships
and Customized Training

8600 University Boulevard
Evansville, Indiana 47712

lagroves@usi.edu ².edu/Custom-Training